Cover to cover! The feature articles on mining exploration and using Russian H-bomb fuel were interesting and informative. And the ‘Inside Mines’ coverage keeps me up-to-date on a school that’s reaching new heights in academics and sports. Well done, and thanks. Dennis Gregg ’50
It’s a great mag. Mines is a fabulous school, so much energy and innovation. I am privileged to live near it and enjoy some of what it does and maintains, use of the library and hiring a student now and then. Laurence P. James, James GeoAssociates
I always enjoy your magazine. It shows me how much Mines has changed since 1952, no Senior Day and apparently about 50% female. The sad part is no tennis anymore. Larry Gardner ’53
Editor’s note: Currently, women make up 26% of the student population at Mines.
The whole publication just gets better and better, even though I’m not interested in who married whom or who gave birth to what, too old. I like to sit in my easy chair and read the print edition (could probably read it on my iPad) with a nice drink within reach. Dick Mandel ’53
Editor’s note: There’s no app for that yet, but you can enjoy the convenience of reading each issue as a PDF.
Keep up the good work in rounding up interesting Mines-related topics and well-written articles. Al Geyer ’64
I enjoy the hard copy and having the magazine available online, especially when I want to share an article with friends. Don Wilson ’58
Very proud of the magazine and CSM. Danny Medina ’06
I love what you have created here. Congratulations! Janis I. Zink, Senior VP for Planning Outreach, University of Tulsa