We’re proud of Mines alumni. We want to cheer you on and celebrate your accomplishments. Tell us about your recent wedding, a new baby or your new job. Share a personal or professional accomplishment, volunteer activity or your favorite Mines memories. Stay connected to the Oredigger family, and let us celebrate you.
Please note: Class Notes will be edited for length, clarity and style. Only news that has occurred within the past two years will be considered for publication in the magazine.
Wedding Announcement
Following a warm proposal in Maui while on vacation, Emily Freeman ’09 and Benjamin Hughes ’07 were married on a snowy day, March 23, 2013, in Littleton, Colo. More than 16 alumni attended, including best man Nicholas Peterson /03, MS ’09 and groomsmen Ryan Hubbard ’05, MS ’06 and Adam Noelck ’07. The couple met at Mines playing intramural soccer.
Birth Announcement
Andrew ’02, MS ’04 and Sara ’03 Depperschmidt welcomed a baby girl to their family. Osie arrived on August 27, 2013, joining big sisters Exia (5) and Iris (2) and big brother AJ (4).
Award Announcement
Meg Sobkowicz-Kline PhD ’10, an assistant professor in the Plastics Engineering Department at UMass Lowell, received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in January for her proposal, “High Speed Reactive Extrusion for Stabilized and Toughened Renewable Polymer Blends and Copolymers.”
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