Advising on a new level

WHO: Ian Lange, assistant professor of economics and business, director of the Mineral and Energy Economics Program and faculty fellow of the Payne Institute for Public Policy.
WHAT: Lange was named to the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which provides recommendations and analysis based on research and empirical evidence and is responsible for assisting and advising in the creation of the annual Economic Report of the President. Lange will serve a one-year term as a senior economist on the council, with a focus on energy and environmental issues.
IN LANGE’S WORDS: “I am honored to have this opportunity to work for the people. My time at Mines has allowed me to interact with some amazing students, faculty and alumni. I plan to integrate all that I have learned from these people in order to provide objective advice on matters of economic policy. To bring my experience and knowledge back to the Mineral and Energy Economics Program, as well as other parts of Mines, in spring 2021 will be a privilege.”