Category: Mines magazine blogs

Adios, Arecibo

I spent my final week in Puerto Rico finishing up my project and preparing a presentation for the Arecibo staff and students. While the dish has not yet been cleaned, I was able to start a design project that will be passed down through future generations of undergraduate researchers to eventually develop a full-scale, functioning robot.

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Update from the States

I arrived back in the states in June, not sure how long it would take to get over my jet lag and readjust to the American lifestyle. As good as it felt to be home, I couldn’t help feeling a little “homesick” for what had been my home for the past six months. I’ll never forget the friends and experiences I gained during my time there.

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The same week that I arrived at Arecibo, the observatory staff began noticing another visitor, a small, black, shaggy dog, clearly struggling to survive in the streets. I have always been a dog lover and couldn’t bear to watch the animal suffer while I had more food in front of me than I could eat. So I began leaving food and water for the dog.

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The Heart of Mithila

Another bus ride from hell marked the beginning of my second and last stay in Sisautiya. I was traveling with Prashant, Rashmi, Gayatri and Baibhav because Deepavali was approaching, and, for the same reason, everyone and their brother were also dispersing to their home villages from Kathmandu for the holiday. What resulted was a jam-packed bus, with people variably standing, sitting and lying in the aisle.

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A Festival of Nations

Over the months I’ve been here, I’ve seen some amazing sights, met some incredible people, and have tasted some delicious food! Just a few days ago the school put on a Festival of Nations and it combined all three.

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Home Sweet Hut

I spent my first day here moving in and exploring the campus. Arecibo is situated on very coarse terrain rampant with sinkholes, hills and valleys. To return to the cabin from the offices I have a stair climb roughly equivalent to climbing Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

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Hike for Help

I should have known that we would meet in Boudhanath. As the epicenter of the displaced Tibetan community in Nepal and generally all things Buddhist, there really is no more appropriate place for any true Sherpa.

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A Day at the Disappearing Lake

As my time in Austria nears its end, my wonderful friends here are trying to make some of my last moments my best. While eating dinner the other night, I was told to meet them at a cross street at 10:30 the next morning for an adventure I would never forget.

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Current Issue: Fall 2024

Mines Magazine fall 2024 cover

Graduate School Insights

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