IM_JP_Chasis-150pxPlastics and Sustainable Piping Systems
Plastic fluid handling systems consultant David Chasis ’61 has assembled a compendium of his articles educating the marketplace on the benefits and design features of plastics in general and plastic piping systems in particular. More than 250 photos, charts and tables are included in this book, intended for professional engineers, students, installers, code officials and end users. (Industrial Press, 2014)




IM_JP_Griffiths-150pxProgramming the Finite Element Method, Fifth Edition
The latest edition of D.V. Griffiths’ textbook on how to develop computer programs to solve engineering problems using the finite element method includes a number of revisions related to parallel computing, thermal stress analysis, plasticity return algorithms, convection boundary conditions and interfaces to third-party tools such as ParaView, METIS and ARPACK. Intended for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in civil and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and numerical analysis, the work includes exercises and website hosting software. Griffiths, a civil engineering professor at Mines, coauthored the book with I.M. Smith and L. Margetts. (Wiley, 2013)


IM_JP_Schuyler-150pxDecision Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, 3.0 Edition
John Schuyler ’72, MS ’77 has updated and rewritten Paul Newendorp’s classic 1975 text. Now in handbook form, the book is based on more than 330 learning objectives from risk and economic decision analysis classes that Schuyler has been designing and teaching since 1990. His career has primarily involved capital investment decisions in the petroleum industry, with experience in exploration and production, energy lending and management consulting. (Planning Press, 2014)