As you read through this issue of Mines magazine, I hope that�you�ve had a chance to enjoy your summer by spending time in the mountains, on the beach or your own favorite place. Here in Golden, the pace does slow down a bit mid-May through mid-August, but our campus is anything but sleepy.
Many students take advantage of the increasing number of summer session classes. Summer session is a great way for students to stay on track with their four-year graduation goal or to pursue an area of interest outside their field of study.
Faculty and students from around the globe visit Mines to conduct research projects, and many members of our community study, teach and conduct research abroad during the summer. In fact, many of the McBride Honors Program students are in Barcelona, Malaysia, Australia or the U.K., combining internships with the study of local history and culture.
Hundreds of students participate in field session. It may take place near to or far from campus, but summer field session is often remembered by alumni as one of their most rigorous and valuable experiences at Mines. The intensive hands-on, team-based, immersive learning environment helps prepare students for what’s to come in their professional lives.
We’re also preparing for our incoming classes, not just for this fall, when we anticipate our largest and most qualified incoming class to date, but filling the pipeline for many years to come. Mines hosts numerous outreach programs and activities to give middle and high school students a taste of the Mines experience, including STEM-related programs for underrepresented students. Some of these programs focus solely on middle school students from Denver Public Schools and others attract high school sophomores and juniors from across the country. Students also ultimately benefit from our annual Teacher Enhancement Program, where K-12 educators enroll in for-credit courses ranging from a single day to multiple weeks.
Summertime offers us many opportunities to continue our activities of the academic year and explore new ideas. It might be those ‘lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,’ but at Mines, the work goes on. Enjoy the rest of your summer!