JP_Sloan_Norrgran-webNeuroscience, Memory, and Learning

Professor Emeritus E. Dendy Sloan Jr. and Cynthia Norrgran, a teaching associate professor at Mines and a neurosurgeon, both of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, coauthored this book intended to answer the question, ‘How does the brain create, access and use long-term memory?’ The text aims for a balance between neuro-science and learning theory, and was written for use in their own neuroscience course at Mines. Michal Schafer ’13, Norrgran’s son, illustrated the book. (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013)



Programming the Finite Element Method

The 5th edition of this text, co-authored by Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Vaughan Griffiths, contains new and upgraded programs and theory relating to plasticity, thermal analysis and fluid flow, in addition to a radically upgraded chapter on parallel algorithms for finite element analysis. The text has been in print since the mid-1980s and is one of the most successful finite element texts in engineering literature. (Wiley, 2013)




JP_Alley-webToo Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste

William Alley ’74 and his wife, Rosemarie, outline the controversies and possibilities surrounding disposal of nuclear waste in their new book. It provides a full history from immediately following World War II up to the present day, with perspectives drawn from William’s experience, including leading the U.S. Geological Survey studies of Nevada’s Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository from 2002 to 2010. (Cambridge University Press, 2013)