Photo Credit: Chelsea Panos
Colorado native and Mines sophomore Alyse White was awarded the Duane J. and Marcine M. Fritz Scholarship in spring 2012. Administered by CSMAA, the scholarship was established by Duane Fritz ’51, who died in 1999, and his wife, Marcine, who died in 2008. The first Fritz Scholarship award recipient, White received $10,000 in assistance. She is studying petroleum engineering with a minor in geology; Fritz earned a professional degree in petroleum engineering with a minor in geology, and stated that the scholarship may be awarded to a Colorado resident majoring in either discipline. White has also kept up a healthy interest in liberals arts: As a high school senior, she captained the first team of all-female participants in the Department of Energy Regional Science Bowl and, determined to show that ‘debaters can be engineers,’ she continues to judge high school speech and debate tournaments. She joined CSMAA as a student member last year and is also a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.