A. Bernard ‘Bernie’ Coady ’54 died on August 29, 2010. Bernie was born in 1933 and raised in Cardston, Alberta. He joined the Sigma Nu fraternity at Mines and graduated with a degree in petroleum refining engineering. In 1957 he married Theresa Violini, with whom he shared 53 years. Bernie�s career began in Calgary as a process engineer with Shell Canada Ltd.; he later transferred to Petrofina Canada. In 1966, Bernie founded Delta Projects Ltd., the first Calgary-headquartered company to provide engineering, procurement and construction services to the hydrocarbon processing industry in western Canada. When his company expanded and was renamed Delta Catalytic Corporation, Bernie served as chairman and CEO for 10 years. He was recognized by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta with the Centennial Award, the highest honor awarded by that group, and the Pinnacle Award, for outstanding business leadership in Calgary. Mines awarded him a Distinguished Achievement Medal in 1993. He was also a member of Mines Century Society and President�s Council, and was the director of the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association Board of Directors. He retired in 1997 after 43 years developing the natural gas, petrochemical and heavy oil recovery industries in Canada. In his retirement, he served on the board of a number of organizations and companies, offering his expertise and wisdom. In 2010, he received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Gas Processing Association of Canada. Bernie is survived by his wife, Theresa; sons, Michael and Gregory; daughter, Danette Coady; sisters, Catherine Crighton, Doris Durrell and Joan Irwin; and 10 grandchildren.