Closing out Mines’ 150th year

As we approach the end of Mines’ 150th anniversary year, it’s a great time to look back and reflect on the many things we celebrated this year. This includes Mines’ legacy, the openings of the new Labriola Innovation Hub and Beck Venture Center, the launch of new student housing projects, the graduation of more than 1,000 students who entered Mines during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the big win in the national quantum tech hub competition and the pride that we all share in being connected to Mines.
We have also celebrated the impact that you, our alumni, have had on the world and industry. Your achievements are a testament to the quality of education and experience Mines provides. As you’ll see in this issue, alumni are leading innovation in influential areas like geothermal research and technology, creatively applying the skill sets you gained on campus to the businesses you’ve started and more. We continue to be inspired by your accomplishments, and Mines’ programs, student experiences, research and connections continue to build on the reputation you’ve built across the globe.
As we look forward to the next 150 years, one of our goals is to be the exemplar university for alumni engagement and affinity. We would love to have more of you making in-person or virtual appearances in our classrooms, mentoring current students, advising our programs, teaching some of our professional development courses, collaborating on research projects and new startups or contributing in other ways to our strategic initiatives. We have ambitious plans to further our progress toward being the top-of-mind and first-choice university we aspire to be, and you are an important part of that.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to Mines. Together, we will continue to build an even brighter future for the university and the world.
Go Orediggers!
Paul C. Johnson
President and Professor